xmltoman 0.4-4 Convert xml to man pages in groff format or html
xsimd 10.0.0 C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics and parallelized, optimized mathematical functions
xvidcore+32 1.3.7-2 XviD is an open source MPEG-4 video codec (optenv32)
yard 0.9.26-1 Documentation tool for consistent and usable documentation in Ruby
yarn 1:0 Transitional package for yarn
yaspin 1.2.0-1 A Python written fancy terminal spinner
ydcv 1:0 A command-line YouDao Dictionary client (transitional package for ydcv-rs)
yelp-tools 42.1 Tools for creating Yelp documentation
yelp-xsl 42.1 Yelp stylesheets in XSL
ykdl 1.8.0~a2-1 A video downloader for various video sites in China mainland.
you-get 0.4.1730 A multi-platform media stream downloader
youtube-dl 1:0 Transitional package for youtube-dlp
yozai-font 0.85 A Chinese handwriting font derived from YozFont
yt-dlp 2024.10.07 Command-line media stream downloader for YouTube and other streaming sites
ytmusicapi 1.7.2 A Python interface to Youtube Music
yubikey-manager 4.0.1-1 Command line and GUI tool for configuring YubiKeys, over all transports
zbase32 1.1.5-2 An alternate base32 encoder (not RFC 3548 compliant)
zd1211-firmware 1.5 Firmware for USB wireless card driven by zd1211rw driver.
zdic-cli 0.0.1-3 An offline command-line interface to zdic.net dictionary
zeroconf 0.28.6-1 A pure-Python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery
zeroconf-ioslave 1:0 KIO module for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf) (transitional package for kio-zeroconf)
zope-component 4.4.1-3 Represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture
zope-event 4.3.0-3 A simple event system
zsh-completions 0.35.0 Additional completion definitions for Zsh
zsh-syntax-highlighting 0.8.0 Syntax highlighting support for Zsh
zshdb 1:1.1.3 A debugger for Zsh scripts
zug 0.1.1 Transducers for C++

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