1-ming 8.10 A Chinese classic typeface
32subsystem 1:2 32 bit (i686) runtime and development support environment
a52dec+32 0.7.4-2 A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (optenv32)
aalib+32 1.4rc5-2 ASCII Art Library (optenv32)
abcde 2.9.3-1 A Better CD Emulator
acccheck 0.2.1-1 A password dictionary attack tool that targets windows authentication via the SMB protocol
accerciser 3.40.0 Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
accuraterip-checksum 1:0 Transitional package for whipper
ack 3.7.0 A Perl-based grep replacement
acl+32 2.2.52-4 Access Control List for 32Subsystem
acme 2.10.0 ACME protocol implementation in Python
addict 2.4.0-1 A Python module that exposes a dictionary subclass that allows items to be set like attributes
adobe-source-code-pro 2.042 A Monospace OpenType font family designed for programming and terminal emulators
adobe-source-han-sans 2.004-1 A set of Pan-CJK fonts designed to complement Source Sans Pro
adobe-source-han-serif 2.002 A set of Pan-CJK serif fonts
adobe-source-sans 3.052 Sans Serif font family for user interfaces
adobe-source-sans-pro 1:0-1 Transitional package for adobe-source-sans
adobe-source-serif 4.005 A Serif OpenType font family
adobe-source-serif-pro 1:0-1 Transitional package for adobe-source-serif
adwaita-icon-theme 46.2 Adwaita icon theme, the official icon theme of GNOME
adwaita-icon-theme-legacy 46.2 Fallback icons for Adwaita icon theme
alabaster 0.7.12-3 A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
alacarte 3.52.0 Menu editor for GNOME
allegro+32 4.4.2-1 Portable library mainly aimed at video games and multimedia programs (optenv32)
alsa-lib+32 The ALSA interface library (optenv32)
alsa-plugins+32 Extra ALSA plugins (optenv32)
alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.12 ALSA Use Case Manager configuration
android-base 0 Meta package for AOSC OS Android utilities
android-udev 1:20240625 UDev rules to help connecting Android devices properly
annotated-types 0.6.0 A python library adding typing.annotated support
ansible 2.12.1 An IT automation tool
antlr4 4.13.2 Parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files
aosc-artwork 20141112-3 Wallpapers from AOSC contributors (old 2014 contest)
aosc-community-wallpapers 1:2024.04.0 Wallpapers from community contributors
aosc-community-wallpapers-2020 1:0 AOSC community wallpapers of 2020 (transitional package for aosc-community-wallpapers)
aosc-community-wallpapers-extras-2023 1:2023.10.1 Wallpapers from community contributors (extra submissions from 2023)
aosc-community-wallpapers-extras-2024 1:2024.04.1 Wallpapers from community contributors (extra submissions from 2024)
aosc-logos 11 AOSC OS logos in ASCII arts
aosc-nanny 0+git20220714 An application advisory system for AOSC OS
aosc-os-presets-cinnamon 0 Systemd presets for AOSC OS Cinnamon distributions
aosc-os-presets-gnome 0 Systemd presets for AOSC OS GNOME distributions
aosc-os-presets-lxde 0 Systemd presets for AOSC OS LXDE distributions
aosc-os-presets-mate 0 Systemd presets for AOSC OS MATE distributions
aosc-os-presets-plasma 0 Systemd presets for AOSC OS KDE/Plasma distributions
aosc-os-presets-wsl 1 Systemd presets for AOSC OS on WSL distributions
aosc-os-presets-xfce 0 Systemd presets for AOSC OS XFCE distributions
aosc-os-repository-data 20231211 AOSC OS repository and mirrors configuration data
aosc-xdg-menu 20200412-1 XDG Menu specifications for WM-based DE
apache-ant 1.10.14 A java-based build tool
apache-maven 3.9.8 Java project management and project comprehension tool
apicula 0.14 Tools and database for Gowin FPGA bitstreams
appdirs 1.4.4-1 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific directories
apt-fast 1.11.0 A shellscript wrapper for APT to improve download times
apt-file 1:3.3 A command line tool for searching files contained in packages
apt-gen-list 2:0 Transitional package for mirrormgr
arandr 0.1.11 A GTK+ GUI for xrandr
arc-icon-theme 20161122 Icon theme to go with the Arc GTK+ theme
arc-kde 20180614 Arc KDE customization
arc-theme 20221218 A flat theme with transparent elements
arch-chroot 28+mirrorlist20231113+pacman6.0.1 An utility for setting up vital API mounts and system files and chrooting

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