nlohmann-json 3.11.3 JSON for Modern C++
nose 1.3.7-8 Discovery-based unit testing extension for Python
notify2 0.3.1 A package to display desktop notification on Linux
noto-cjk-fonts 2:24.8.1+emoji2.042+cjksans2.004+cjkserif2.003 A font family aiming to support all languages with a harmonious look (Pan-CJK fonts)
noto-fonts 2:24.8.1+emoji2.042+cjksans2.004+cjkserif2.003 A font family aiming to support all languages with a harmonious look
nottetris2 1-2 Not Tetris 2
novaclient 18.6.0 OpenStack Compute (Nova) Client
npapi-sdk 0.27.2-4 Netscape Plugin API SDK
nspr+32 4.24-1 Netscape Portable Runtime (optenv32)
nss+32 3.78 Netscape security library (optenv32)
ntfs-config 1.1 Configurator for NTFS writing capability
numix-icon-theme 20190917 A minimalistic icon theme from the Numix Project
numix-icon-theme-circle 20160927 A minimalistic icon theme from the Numix Project (Circle variant)
nvchecker 2.15.1 New version checker for software releases
nvm 0.39.7 NodeJS Version Manager
oauth2client 4.1.3 Client librari for OAuth 2.0
oauthlib 3.2.2 A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
obfsproxy 0.2.13-3 A pluggable transport proxy
ocr-fonts 0.2-1 OCR-A and OCR-B fonts
ocrmypdf 16.4.3 A tool to add an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files
ocrodjvu 0.12 An OCR tool for DjVu documents
olefile 0.46-3 Python library to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
open-huninn-font 2.0 A Taiwan open CJK typeface
openal-soft+32 1.23.1 A cross platform 3D audio library (optenv32)
opencl-registry-api 2024.05.08 OpenCL (Open Computing Language) header files
opencore-amr+32 0.1.5-1 Open source implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec (optenv32)
openexr-viewers 1:0-1 Transitional package for OpenEXR
openfwwf 5.2-1 Open-source firmware replacement for b43 driver, only supports G-PHY
openjdk 4:21 OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (LTS version)
openjdk+latest 23 OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (GA version)
openjdk-common 1 Common files for OpenJDK
openjfx 1:21 Open source implementation of JavaFX
openjfx+latest 23 Open source implementation of JavaFX
openjfx-common 1 Common files for OpenJFX
openjpeg-legacy+32 1.5.2-1 An open source JPEG 2000 codec (optenv32)
openldap+32 2.4.59-1 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client/server (optenv32)
openpyxl 2.6.0-3 A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files
openra 20210321 An open-source implementation of the Red Alert engine using .NET/Mono and OpenGL
openrazer 3.9.0 Driver and user-space daemon to control Razer lighting and other features
opensans 0+git20210927 A humanist sans-serif font
openssl+32 3.3.2 Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (optenv32)
openssl-1.1+32 1.1.1q Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (1.1 compatibility runtime for optenv32)
openstack-service-types 1.7.0 A library to handle official service types for OpenStack and their historical aliases
opus+32 1.3.1 Codec designed for interactive speech and audio transmission over the Internet (optenv32)
orc+32 0.4.32 The Oild Runtime Compiler (optenv32)
orca 42.3-2 Screen reader for individuals who are blind or visually impaired
osinfo-db 20240701 Database for operating system information
oslo-config 9.5.0 OpenStack library for config
oslo-i18n 6.3.0 Oslo Internationalization Utilities
oslo-serialization 5.4.0 OpenStack library for serialization
oslo-utils 7.2.0 OpenStack library utils
oswald-fonts 20140228-3 A reworking of the classic gothic typeface style
outcome 1.3.0.post0 A helper library to capture the outcome of Python function calls
oxygen-icons 1:5.115.0 Oxygen icon theme
oxygen-sounds 5.25.3 Default sound theme data for KDE Plasma Desktop
p11-kit+32 A way to load and enumerate PKCS #11 (a Cryptographic Token Interface Standard) modules (optenv32)
packaging 23.0 Core utilities for Python packaging
packaging-base 3 Meta package for AOSC OS package maintainers
pacstrap 28+mirrorlist20231113+pacman6.0.1 Install and config Arch Linux
pango+32 1.44.7 System for layout and rendering of internationalized text (optenv32)

Package up to date

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Source file contains error

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