font-awesome 1:6.6.0 A set of iconic fonts
fontconfig+32 2.14.0 A library for configuring and customizing font access (optenv32)
fonts-alee 13.3-1 Free Hangul TrueType fonts
fonts-cwtex 1.0-5 TrueType Fonts from cwTeX
fonts-lato 2.0-1 A sanserif typeface family designed by Lukasz Dziedzic
fonts-tlwg 0.7.2-1 A collection of Thai scalable fonts available in free licenses
fonttools 4.53.1 A library for manipulating fonts
foolscap 0.13.2-1 RPC protocol for Python and Twisted
foomatic 1:0 Transitional meta package for Foomatic components
foomatic-db 20240504 OpenPrinting printer support database
foomatic-db-nonfree 0+git20150604 OpenPrinting printer support database (non-free data)
fortune-zh 1:0-1 Chinese Data files for Fortune (transitional package for fortunes-zh)
fortunes-zh 2.98 Chinese Data files for Fortune
freealut+32 1.1.0-1 OpenAL Utility Toolkit (optenv32)
freefont 1:20120503 Set of free outline fonts covering the Unicode character set
freeglut+32 3.0.0-1 Free GL User Toolkit (optenv32)
freepats 20060219-5 A free and open set of GUS instrument patches for use with softsynths like wildmidi and timidity
freepats2 20221026 A free and open set of General MIDI sound set which is newly assembled from scratch
freetype+32 2.12.1 Font rendering engine (optenv32)
frescobaldi 3.3.0 LilyPond sheet music text editor
fribidi+32 1.0.10 Free implementation of BiDi algorithm (optenv32)
funcsigs 1.0.2-2 Python function signatures from PEP362
functools32 3.2.3+2 Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3 for use on 2.7 and PyPy
fuse-common 3.16.2 Common configuration for FUSE
future 0.17.0-3 Easy, clean, reliable Python 2/3 compatibility
futures 3.2.0-2 Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2
fuzzywuzzy 0.18.0-1 Fuzzy string matching in Python
fwupdate 1:0-1 Tools for using the ESRT and UpdateCapsule() to apply firmware updates (transitional package for fwupd)
game-music-emu+32 0.6.0-1 Video game music file emulation/playback library (optenv32)
gaupol 1.7-3 Editor for text-based subtitle files
gconf+32 3.2.6-1 GConf configuration database system (optenv32)
gdata-python-client 2.0.18-2 Python client library for Google data APIs
gdbm+32 1.11-2 GNU Database Manager library
gdk-pixbuf+32 2.38.2-1 A toolkit for image loading and pixel buffer manipulation (optenv32)
gdmd 0.1.0+git20230214 DMD-like wrapper for GDC
genfstab 28+mirrorlist20231113+pacman6.0.1 A fstab generator taken from Arch Linux
genpac 3.0.1 PAC/Dnsmasq/Wingy file Generator
genryu-font 1.501-1 A free font family derived from Source Han Serif
genwan-font 2.000 A free font family derived from Source Han Serif
genyo-font 1.501-1 Free font derived from Source Han Serif
geoip-database 20170502 GeoLite country geolocation database compiled by MaxMind
geteltorito 0.6 El Torito boot image extractor
ghostscript+32 9.27-1 An interpreter for the PostScript language (optenv32)
gi-docgen 2024.1 A documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
giflib+32 5.1.8 A library for reading and writing GIF images (optenv32)
git-archive-all 1.23.1 A python script wrapper for git-archive
git-extras 7.2.0 Little git extras
git-filter-repo 2.45.0-1 A versatile tool for rewriting git history
git-review 2.4.0 A tool that helps submitting Git branches to Gerrit for review
gitdb 4.0.11 A Git object database for Python
glances 4.0.5 CLI curses-based monitoring tool
glew+32 2.2.0-1 The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glib+32 2.62.6-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs (optenv32)
glib-static 1:0 Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs (static libraries) (transitional package for glib)
glibc-legacy 0 Legacy runtime library symlinks for compatibility
glm 1:1.0.1 C++ mathematics library for 3D software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification
glslang+32 7.11.3214-1 An OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator (optenv32)
glu+32 9.0.1 GLU GL API libs
gnome-backgrounds 42.0 Background images for GNOME
gnome-base 6-1 Meta package for GNOME desktop environment

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