libxslt+32 1.1.34-1 Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations(XSLT) C library developed for the GNOME project on 32subsystem
lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings 1.2.2-3 Settings editor for the LightDM GTK+ Greeter
lightdm-settings 2.0.4 A configuration tool for the LightDM display manager
linglong 1:1 Meta package for Linyaps (Linglong) support
linux+kernel+asahi 3:6.10.3 Generic Linux Kernel for AOSC OS (for Apple Silicon devices)
llvm+32 14.0.6-1 Low Level Virtual Machine Infrastructure
llvm-runtime+wasi 18.1.8 Low Level Virtual Machine Infrastructure (runtime libraries, WASI)
lnmp-base 0 Meta package for AOSC OS LNMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) server setup
lnpp-base 0 Meta package for AOSC OS LNPP (Linux, Nginx, PostgreSQL, PHP) server setup
lockfile 0.12.2-1 A platform-independent file locking module for Python
logfury 1.0.1 Responsible, reusable logging toolkit
logisim-evolution 3.9.0 A digital logic design tool and simulator
loguru 0.5.3-1 A simple logging library for Python
lolcat 100.0.1 A rainbow-colored cat(1) utility
lsb-release 1.4-3 Gives information about the Linux Standards Base (LSB) status of the distribution
lua-base 0 Meta package for AOSC OS Lua runtime and development support
luarocks 3.11.1 A package manager for Lua modules
lunarsolarconverter 1.1.0 A Georgian to Lunar (Nongli) calendar converter module for Python
luv-icon-theme A flat but complex icon theme for freedesktop environments
lxde-base 2-1 Meta package for LXDE desktop environment
lxde-common 0.99.2-2 Common files for the LXDE desktop
lxde-icon-theme 0.5.1-2 Default icon theme for LXDE
lxgwcleargothic-font 0.300.4 A Sans Serif font derived from IPAex Gothic
lxgwfasmartgothic-font 1.200 A Sans Serif font derived from 03 Smartfont UI
lxgwneoxihei-font 1.200 A Chinese sans-serif font derived from IPAex Gothic
lxgwnewcleargothic-font 1:0 Transitional package for LXGW Neo XiHei and LXGW Fasmart Gothic
lxgwwenkai-font 1.500 An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One
lxmenu-data 0.1.5-3 desktop menus for LXDE
lxml-html-clean 0.2.2 HTML cleaner from lxml project
lxqt-build-tools 0.8.0-1 Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications
m17n-db 1.8.7 Multilingual text processing library (database)
m2r 0.2.1-2 Markdown to reStructuredText converter
m3u8 0.7.1-1 A Python written m3u8 parser
m64py 0.2.5-2 PyQt based frontend for Mupen64Plus
magic-wormhole 0.11.2-3 Securely transfer data between computers
mailcap-fix 1.0.1 A patched mailcap module that conforms to RFC 1524
mako 1.1.4-2 Hyper-fast and lightweight template engine for Python
man-pages 6.05.01+posix2017a Man pages for basic Linux kernel and utilities
mari0 1.6.2-1 A Mario game clone with Portal gun mechanics
markdown 3.3.4-1 Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
markdown-it 3.0.0 A python port of markdown-it and some its associated plugins
marshmallow 3.20.2 A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes
maruku 0.7.3-5 A Markdown-superset interpreter written in Ruby
mat 1:0 Metadata anonymisation toolkit (transitional package for mat2)
mat2 0.13.0 Metadata anonymisation toolkit
mate-backgrounds 1.28.0 Background images and metadata for MATE
mate-base 4-1 Meta package for MATE desktop environment
mate-common 1.28.0 Common development macros for MATE desktop environment
mate-dock-applet 21.10.0 Application dock for the MATE panel
mate-hud 22.10.3 Run menubar commands, much like the Unity 7 HUD
mate-icon-theme 1:1.28.0 Default icon theme for MATE
mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.20.0 Faenza icon theme for MATE
mate-menu 22.04.2 Advanced menu for MATE Panel
mate-themes 3.22.26 Default themes (GTK+, Marco, cursor) for MATE desktop
mate-tweak 22.10.0 Utility to further customize the MATE Desktop
mate-user-guide 1.28.0 MATE user guide
materia-theme 20210322 A Material Design-like flat theme, formerly known as Flat-Plat
mathjax 2.7.5-2 An JavaScript display engine for mathematics
matplotlib-inline 0.1.7 Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter
mbedtls+32 2.16.7 Portable cryptographic and SSL/TLS library (32subsystem, library only)

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