qt-6 6.7.2-2 Qt version 6
qt-gstreamer 1.2.0-11 Qt bindings for GStreamer
qt4-tqt-theme-engine-trinity 14.1.2 A backup system for the Trinity Desktop Environment
qt5ct 1.8 Qt5 Configuration Utility (like Qt 4.x's qtconfig)
qt5pas 3.2-2 A FreePascal Qt5 binding library
qt6ct 0.9-1 Qt6 configuration tool
qt6pas 3.2-2 A FreePascal Qt6 binding library
qtav 1.13.0-4 A cross-platform multimedia playback framework based on Qt and FFmpeg
qtcreator 14.0.1 An integrated development environment for Qt/C++
qtermwidget 0.16.1-3 A terminal widget for Qt
qtkeychain 0.13.2 A library for secure credential storage support in Qt applications
qtox 1.17.6-1 Powerful Tox client written in C++/Qt that follows the Tox design guidelines
qtractor 0.9.23-2 Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework
qtsingleapplication 2.6.1-6 Qt library to start applications only once per user
qtstyleplugins 1:5.0.0+git20170311-3 Additional style plugins for Qt
quadrapassel 40.2 Fit falling blocks together (Tetris-like game for GNOME)
quagga 1.2.4-4 BGP/OSPF/ISIS/RIP/RIPNG routing daemon suite
quazip 0.9.1-3 C++ wrapper for the Gilles Vollant's ZIP and UNZIP C package
quickjs 2024.01.13 A small and embeddable JavaScript engine
quicktun 2.2.5-1 Simple VPN tunnel
quiterss 0.19.4-2 Fast and light RSS/Atom feed reader written in Qt/C++
quota-tools 4.09-1 Tools to manage kernel-level quotas in Linux
qwt5 6.1.5-2 Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
qwtplot3d 0.2.7-2 Qt/OpenGL-based C++ programming library containing 3d-widgets
qzdl A launcher for GZDoom
r 4.4.0-1 Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics
racket 8.14 A full-spectrum programming language
radare2 5.9.2 A reverse-engineering statical analyze tool
radvd 2.19 IPv6 router advertisement daemon
ragel 6.10-2 Compiles finite state machines from regular languages into executable C, C++, Objective-C, or D code
rapidfuzz 3.2.0-1 Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics
raptor2 2.0.16-1 Raptor RDF Syntax Library
rarian 0.8.1-5 A documentation metadata library based on the proposed Freedesktop.org spec
rasqal 0.9.33-3 A free C library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query syntaxes, query construction and query execution returning result bindings
rathole 0.5.0 A reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust.
rav1e 0.7.1 A high-performance AV1 encoder
razergenie 0.9.0 Qt application for configuring your Razer devices
razor-agents 2.85-7 A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network
rbw 1.12.1 Unofficial bitwarden cli
rclone 1.67.0 Sync files to and from Google Drive, S3, Swift, Cloudfiles, Dropbox and Google Cloud Storage
rcs 5.10.1 Revision Control System: manages multiple revisions of files
rdesktop 1.9.0-1 An open source client for Windows Remote Desktop Services
rdfind 1.6.0 A program that finds duplicate files
rdiscount Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C
rdma-core 51.0 RDMA userspace libraries and utilites
re2 20240601 C++ library for backtracking regular expression engines
re2c 3.1 A tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
readline 8.2.1 GNU readline library
readline+32 8.2.1 GNU readline library (optenv32)
realmd 0.17.1-1 DBus service for configuring kerberos and other online identities
recode 3.7.14 Converts file between various character sets and usages
recordmydesktop 0.4.0 A desktop session recorder
redis 7.4.0 Advanced key-value store
redland 1.0.17-9 Library that provides a high-level interface to RDF data
redshift 1.12-4 Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings
redsocks2 0.67+git20201229-1 A transparent TCP-to-proxy redirector
regex 2019.02.21-3 Alternative regular expression module for Python
reglookup 1.0.1-4 Utilities for direct analysis of Windows NT-based registry files
reiser4progs 1.2.2 Userspace tools for the Reiser4 filesystem
reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-2 Management and manipulation utilities for the ReiserFS file system

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