android-platform-tools 35.0.2 Android platform tools, adb, mkbootimg, fastboot, and simg2img
android-simg2img 1.1.4-2 Tool to convert Android sparse images to raw images
angelfish 23.08.5 Web browser for Plasma Mobile
anthy 1:0.4-1 Hiragana text to Kana Kanji mixed text Japanese input method
antiword 0.37-3 Microsoft Word document reader, CLI
antlr4-cpp-runtime 4.13.2 C++ runtime for ANTLR 4
aom 3.11.0 AV1 Video Codec Library
aosc-aaa 12.0.2 Bed-rock level system definitions
aosc-findupdate 0.5.0 AOSC package source updater
aosc-media-writer 0.3.4 Write .iso/raw images to portable boot media
aosc-os-presets-base 3 Systemd presets for AOSC OS Base/Non-Desktop distributions
aosc-os-presets-desktop 4 Systemd presets for AOSC OS Desktop distributions
aoscbootstrap 0.8.1 Utility to bootstrap an AOSC OS distribution
aoscdk-rs 1.0.4 AOSC OS system installer
apcupsd 3.14.14-5 Power management and controlling most of APC's UPS models
apfs-fuse 0+git20230312 A userspace driver for read-only access to Apple File System (APFS)
apg 2.3.0b Automated Password Generator
apitrace 12.0 A tool to trace and replay OpenGL API
apparmor 3.0.8-2 A Linux application security system
appdata-tools 0.1.8-5 Command line program designed to validate AppData descriptions for standards compliance and to the style guide
appmenu-qt 0.2.7+14.04.20140305-5 Allows Qt applications to export menus over DBus to a menu applet
appres 1.0.6 List X application resource database
appstream 1.0.3-1 Provides a standard for creating app stores across distributions
appstream-glib 0.7.18-2 Provides GObjects and helper methods to make it easy to read and write AppStream metadata
appstream-qt 1.0.3-1 Qt bindings for AppStream
apr 1.7.5 Apache Portable Runtime
apr-util 1.6.3-1 The Apache Portable Runtime utilities
apsw 3.30.1-2 Python wrapper for SQLite
apt 2:2.6.1-6 Advanced Packaging Tools
aptitude 0.8.13-4 Terminal-based package manager
aqbanking 6.2.2 A library for online banking and financial applications
aranym 1.1.0-1 An emulator for Atari ST/TT/Falcon (and clones)
argon2 20190702-3 A password-hashing function (reference C implementation)
argtable2 2.13-1 ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line options with a minimum of fuss
argyllcms 3.3.0 ICC compatible color management system
aria2 1.37.0 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink
arianna 23.08.5 An EPUB reader for KDE
ark 23.08.5 Archive manager for KDE
arp-scan 1.10.0 A tool that uses ARP to discover and fingerprint IP hosts on local network
arpack-ng 3.8.0 Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
arping 2.25 Broadcasts a who-has ARP packet on the network and prints answers
arpwatch 3.6 Ethernet/FDDI station activity monitor
artikulate 23.08.5 KDE pronunciation trainer
arts 14.1.2 Aanalog Realtime Synthesizer, sound system for the Trinity Desktop Environment
ash 0.4.0-4 Linux port of the NetBSD Almquist Shell
asio 1:1.18.1-1 Cross-platform C++ library for ASynchronous Network I/O, AS(n)IO
aspcud 1.9.6 CUDF solver based on Answer Set Programming
aspell An interactive spell checking program and the Aspell libraries
aspnetcore-runtime-6.0 6.0.30 Shared Framework for hosting of Microsoft ASP.NET Core applications.
aspnetcore-runtime-8.0 8.0.10 Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0.10
aspnetcore-targeting-pack-6.0 6.0.30 Shared Framework for hosting of Microsoft ASP.NET Core applications.
aspnetcore-targeting-pack-8.0 1:8.0.10 Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref 8.0.10
assaultcube A realistic team oriented multiplayer FPS based on the Cube engine
assimp 5.4.0 A universal 3D asset importing library
ast-grep 0.30.0 A command-line tool for code structure search, lint, and rewriting 0.94 An astronomy engine to create correct, standards-compliant astrometric meta data
astyle 3.5.2 A free, fast and small automatic formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java source code
asymptote 2.47-1 A vector graphics language
at-spi2-core 2.52.0 Protocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spi
atinout 0.9.1 A program that reads a list of AT commands

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