Latest Source Updates

These updates will be available in the dpkg source soon.

praat 6.4.22 A speech analysis tool for phonetics
iosevka-fonts 31.8.0 A slender monospace sans-serif and slab-serif typeface
wine 3:9.18+gecko2.47.4+mono9.3.0 Runtime/Compatibility Layer for running programs designed for Microsoft Windows
pandoc 3.5 Universal markup converter
libsixel 1.8.6 A SIXEL (terminal graphics and printing format by DEC) codec implementation
mpv 0.39.0 A FFmpeg-driven command-line and GUI video player
mujs 1.3.5 An embeddable JavaScript interpreter
vapoursynth 70.11 An application suite for video manipulation
nodejs 2:20.18.0 A JavaScript runtime built on the V8 JavaScript engine
clamav 1.4.1 Anti-virus toolkit for Unix
See more updates

Package Quality Assurance


Repository Count Ghost Lagging Missing Last Update (UTC)
amd64 3908 3492 13 65
arm64 3830 3451 18 143
loongarch64 3515 3458 32 458
loongson3 3518 3226 71 455
mips64r6el 1854 1814 419 2119
noarch 1579 78 89 11
ppc64el 3117 2869 48 856
riscv64 3222 3153 55 751