cava 0.10.2 Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa (MPD and Pulseaudio)
cbc 2.10.5 COIN-OR branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver
cbindgen 0.27.0 A project for generating C bindings from Rust code
cbm 0.3.2 Display the current network traffic in colors
ccache 4.10.2 C/C++ compiler cache to speed up repeated compilation
cchardet 2.1.7 Universal character encoding detector
ccid 1.5.1-1 A generic USB Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices driver
ccls 0.20240202-1 C/C++ language server supporting cross references, hierarchies, completion and semantic highlighting
cd-discid 1.4-2 A backend utility to get CDDB discid information from a Music CD
cddlib 1:0.94j Library for finding vertices of convex polytopes
cdparanoia 10.2-4 A CD audio extraction tool
cdrdao 1.2.4 Records audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode
cdrkit 1:1.1.11-2 A collection of computer programs for CD and DVD authoring
celluloid 0.27-1 GTK frontend for MPV
celt 0.11.3-4 Low-latency audio communication codec
cervisia 23.08.5 CVS frontend for KDE
cffi 1.15.0-1 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
cfitsio 3.450-3 A library reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format
cgdb 0.8.0-1 Curses-based interface to GNU DeBugger
cgl 0.60.3 COIN-OR Cut Generation Library
cgns 4.2.0 A software suite for handling computational fluid dynamics analysis data
chafa 1.14.2 A image-to-text converter for terminal
chan 0.0.4 Pure C implementation of Go channels
check 0.15.2-1 Unit testing framework for C
cheese 41.1 A webcam application for GNOME
cheetah 2.4.4-2 A Python powered template engine and code generator
cheetah3 3.2.5-1 A Python powered template engine and code generator
chemtool 1.6.14-4 A small program for drawing chemical structures
chinadns-ng 0.0+git20231028 The next generation of chinadns, refactoring with epoll and ipset
chisel 1.10.0 A TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
chmlib 0.40a Support for Microsoft ITSS/CHM file formats
choose 1.3.4 A command-line string cutter and manipulator
chromaprint 1.5.1-1 Library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from any audio source
chrony 4.5 NTP client/server
chrpath 0.16-4 A utility for changing rpath in ELF formatted files
ciel 3.4.3 An integrated packaging environment for AOSC OS
cifs-utils 7.0-1 User-space tools for CIFS
cinnamon 5.8.3-1 A GNOME Shell fork aiming to provide traditional user experience
cinnamon-control-center 5.8.1-1 Centralized settings manager for Cinnamon
cinnamon-desktop 5.8.0 Library with common API for various Cinnamon modules
cinnamon-menus 5.8.0 Cinnamon menu specifications
cinnamon-screensaver 5.8.0-1 Screensavers designed to integrate well with the Cinnamon desktop
cinnamon-session 5.8.1 Cinnamon session handler
cinnamon-settings-daemon 5.8.1 The Cinnamon Settings Daemon
cjs 5.8.0-1 JavaScript bindings for Cinnamon
clamav 1.4.1 Anti-virus toolkit for Unix
clash 1.18.0-5 A rule-based tunnel for VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell protocols
clash-premium 2023.01.29 Close-source version of Clash with additional features.
clazy 1.11-3 A compiler plugin which allows Clang to understand Qt semantics
clblast 1.6.3 A tuned OpenCL BLAS library
cld2 20160820-3 Compact Language Detector 2
clinfo Display OpenCL information
clit 1.8-7 An extractor/converter for .LIT eBooks
cln 1.3.6 Class library for numbers
clp 1.17.6-2 COIN-OR linear programming solver
clpeak 1.1.2 Benchmark tool to measure theortical peak performance of OpenCL devices
clucene C++ port of the high-performance text search engine Lucene
clutter 1.26.4-3 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces
clutter-gst 2.0.18-3 GStreamer bindings for Clutter
clutter-gst-3.0 3.0.27-2 GStreamer bindings for Clutter (3.x series)

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