pavucontrol 6.1 A GTK+ volume control for PulseAudio
pcaudiolib 1.2 A C API library for different audio device interfaces
pciutils 3.9.0-1 PCI bus configuration space access library and tools
pcl 1.13.1 The Portable Coroutine Library (PCL)
pcmanfm 1.3.2 Lightweight X11 file manager
pcp 6.0.1-1 System performance and analysis framework
pcre 8.44-2 Perl Compatible Regular Expression
pcre-static 8.44 Perl Compatible Regular Expression (static libraries)
pcre2 10.44 Perl Compatible Regular Expression (2nd Edition)
pcsc-perl 1.4.14-5 A Perl Module for PC/SC smart card access
pcsc-tools 1.7.1 PC/SC Architecture smartcard tools
pcsclite 1.9.9-1 PC/SC Architecture smartcard middleware library
pdfsandwich 0.1.7-3 Generates 'sandwich' OCR PDF files
pdlzip 1.9-1 A limited, public domain C implementation of the lzip data compressor
peewee 3.17.1 An object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python
peg 0.1.18 Recursive-descent parser generators for C
pen 0.34.1-2 A load balancer for TCP and UDP based protocols
perl 4:5.36.3-3 A highly capable and feature rich programming language
perl-async-interrupt 1.26 Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt Perl asynchronously
perl-cairo 1.106-5 Perl bindings for Cairo
perl-clone 0.46 Recursively copy Perl datatypes
perl-crypt-des 2.07 Perl implementation of the DES cryptographic algorithm
perl-crypt-openssl-bignum 0.09-5 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
perl-crypt-openssl-random 0.15-4 Perl interface to OpenSSL PRNG methods
perl-crypt-openssl-rsa 0.33 Perl interface to OpenSSL RSA methods
perl-crypt-ssleay 0.73+06-4 OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
perl-dbd-mysql 4.052 MySQL driver for Perl DBI
perl-dbi 1.642-6 Database independent interface for Perl
perl-digest-nilsimsa 0.06-5 Perl version of Nilsimsa code
perl-digest-sha1 2.13-5 Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
perl-ev 4.25-2 Perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop
perl-file-fcntllock 0.22 Perl module that implements file locking with fcntl(2)
perl-glib 1.329-3 Perl wrapper for GLib and GObject
perl-gtk2 1.2499-3 Perl bindings for GTK+ 2
perl-guard 1.023-5 Safe cleanup blocks
perl-html-parser 3.72-4 Perl HTML parser class
perl-io-tty 1.13+01-3 Pseudo TTY object class for Perl
perl-json-xs 4.0+00-2 JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
perl-locale-gettext 1.07-5 Permits access from Perl to the gettext() family of functions
perl-net-ssleay 1.85-7 Openssl extension for Perl
perl-netaddr-ip 4.079-3 Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
perl-pango 1.227-4 Perl bindings for Pango
perl-par-packer 1.050-3 PAR Packager
perl-socket6 0.29-3 IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
perl-sys-virt 10.2.0 Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
perl-template-toolkit 2.27-2 Perl template processing system
perl-term-readkey 2.37-4 Provides simple control over terminal driver modes
perl-text-bibtex 0.89 Perl interface to read and parse BibTeX files
perl-text-charwidth 0.04-5 Perl/CPAN Module Text::CharWidth
perl-tk 804.034-3 Perl bindings for Tk
perl-unicode-linebreak 2019.001-1 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm
perl-xml-libxml 2.0210 Perl interface to the libxml library
perl-xml-parser 2.44-8 Perl module XML::Parser
perl-yaml-libyaml 0.85 Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
phodav 3.0 A WebDav server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918)
phonon 1:4.12.0 The KDE multimedia framework
phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.10.0-2 GStreamer backend for Phonon
php 1:8.3.8-2 PHP is a general-purpose scripting language for Web development
physfs 3.0.2 A library to provide abstract access to various archives
picard 2.12 MusicBrainz Picard Music Tagging Suite

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