gn 1:0+git20240313 Meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja
gnome-autoar 1:0.4.3 Archives integration support for GNOME
gnome-bluetooth 42.2 Bluetooth management and control support for GNOME
gnome-bluetooth-3.34 3.34.5-1 Bluetooth management and control support for GNOME (3.34 compatibility modules)
gnome-builder 42.1-6 An IDE for building GNOME applications
gnome-calendar 42.2-1 A calendar and planner application for GNOME
gnome-color-manager 3.36.0-1 Color profile manager for the GNOME desktop
gnome-control-center 42.3-2 An aggregated settings utility for GNOME
gnome-desktop 42.4 Library with common API for various GNOME modules
gnome-keyring 40.0-1 GNOME password management daemon
gnome-menus 3.36.0-1 GNOME menu specifications
gnome-online-accounts 3.44.0 GNOME service to access online accounts
gnome-panel 3.44.0-1 Legacy GNOME Panel, part of the GNOME Flash Back project
gnome-power-manager 3.32.0-1 System power information and statistics
gnome-screenshot 41.0 Screenshot utility for GNOME
gnome-session 42.0 GNOME session data and handler
gnome-settings-daemon 42.2-1 Manages GNOME session and applications parameters
gnome-shell 42.4-3 The default GNOME desktop interface
gnome-software 42.4-1 A software store for GNOME
gnome-terminal 3.44.1 GNOME terminal emulator
gnome-themes-standard 3.27.90-3 Default themes for the GNOME desktop
gnome-user-share 1:3.34.0-2 Easy-to-use user-level file sharing for GNOME
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-10 Virtual file system libraries for GNOME
gnuchess 6.2.9 Play chess against the computer on a terminal and an engine for graphical chess frontends
gnugo 1:3.8-2 GNU engine for Go chess
gnupg 1:2.4.5 Complete and free implementation of the OpenGPG standard
gnuplot 6.0.1 Plotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF and others
gnustep-base 1.28.0-2 GNUstep base runtime library
gnustep-make 2.9.0-1 GNUstep makefiles and build definitions
gnutls 3.8.7 Library that provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer
go 1.23.1+tools0.25.0+net0.29.0 The Go language compiler and tools
go-md2man 2.0.5 A markdown to manpage generator
gobject-introspection 1:1.80.0 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries
gocr 0.52-1 Open-source character recognition (OCR) utility
godot 4.3-2 Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
goldendict 1:1.5.0-1 Feature-rich dictionary lookup program
gom 0.4-1 A GObject to SQLite object mapper
goom2k4 1:0-1 Goom visualization plugin
goreleaser 2.2.0 A tool for building and releasing Go projects
gost 2.11.5-4 GO Simple Tunnel
goverlay 1.2 A GUI application to manage Vulkan/OpenGL overlays
gpart 0.3-1 Partition table rescue/guessing tool
gparted 1.6.0 A graphical partition manager
gperf 3.1-3 A perfect hash function generator
gperftools 2.13 Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gpgme 1.23.2 A C wrapper library for GnuPG
gphoto2 2.5.28 Digital camera image downloader and utilities
gpick 0.3 Advanced color picker and palette editor
gpicview 0.2.5-2 Lightweight image viewer (a LXDE project)
gpm 1.20.7-9 Mouse server for the console and xterm
gpsd 3.25-1 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices
gpsim 0.32.1 A software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
gptfdisk 1.0.10 A text-mode partitioning tool that works on GUID Partition Table disks
gputils Utilities for programming on the PIC microcontrollers
granatier 23.08.5 A clone of the Bomber Man game
grantlee5 5.3.1 A string template engine based on the Django template system and written in Qt5
grantleetheme 23.08.5 KDE library for Grantlee theming support
graphene 1.10.2-1 A thin layer of graphic data types
graphicsmagick 1.3.43 Image processing system
graphite 1.3.14 Reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine

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