shapelib 1.5.0 A C library for manipulating ESRI Shapefiles
shared-mime-info 2.4 shared MIME info
sharutils 4.15.2-4 Utilities for creating shell-archives
shotcut 21.08.11-3 A free, open source, cross-platform video editor
shotwell 0.31.4 Digital photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment
showmethekey 1.12.0 Show keys you typed on screen
siege 4.0.7-1 An HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility
signon 8.60-5 A D-Bus service which performs user authentication on behalf of its clients
signon-kwallet-extension 23.08.5 KWallet plugin/extension for signon
signon-plugin-oauth2 0.25 OAuth2 plugin for signon
signon-ui 0.17+17.10.20170606-6 UI component responsible for handling the user interactions which can happen during the login process of an online account
sigrok-cli 0.7.2 A command-line frontend for Sigrok
simgear 2020.3.13 A set of open-source libraries for 3D simulations and games
simh 3.11+1-1 A portable multi-system emulator for historical computers
simple-obfs 0.0.5-1 a simple obfusacting tool, designed as plugin server of shadowsocks.
simple-scan 42.1-1 A scanning utility for GNOME
simplejson 3.16.0-3 Simple, fast, extensible JSON 'codec' for Python
simplescreenrecorder 0.4.3-3 A feature-rich screen recorder
sing-box 1.9.4 A universal proxy platform
singular 4.1.1-4 Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations
sink 0.9.0-3 An offline-caching, synchronization and indexing system for PIM data
skanlite 23.08.5 Image scanning application for KDE
skanpage 23.08.5-2 A muilti-page scanning application for KDE
skktools 1.3.4-2 Dictionary maintenance tools for the SKK Japanese input method
skopeo 1.16.0-1 Utility for operating on container images and repositories
slang 1:2.3.3 An embeddable interpreted language to augment applications
slick-greeter 2.0.4 A slick-looking LightDM greeter
slirp4netns 1.2.2 User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces
slop 7.6 A utility to query the user for a selection and print the region to stdout
slurp 1.5.0 A tool to select a region in a Wayland compositor and print it to the standard output
smartcardauth-trinity 14.1.2 Smartcard login and LUKS decryption support for the Trinity Desktop Environment
smartdns 35-1 A local DNS server which resolves domain IP addresses based on the fastest response
smartmontools 7.3 Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives
smb4k-trinity 14.1.2 A Samba (SMB) share browser for the Trinity Desktop Environment
smpeg 1:0.4.5-2 SDL MPEG Player Library
smplayer 19.10.2-3 A Qt based frontend for MPlayer/MPV
snapper 0.11.2 A tool for Linux btrfs snapshot management
snappy 1.1.8 A fast compressor/decompressor library
sndio 1.9.0 A small audio and MIDI framework
sni-qt 0.2.6-5 A Qt plugin which turns all QSystemTrayIcon into StatusNotifierItems (appindicators)
snowball 1:2.1.0 Snowball compiler and stemming algorithms
socat 1: Multi-purpose relay for bidirectional data transfer
soci 4.0.1-1 C++ database access library
sof-tools 2.10 Sound Open Firmware - userspace utilities
sofia-sip 1:1.12.11-1 An open-source SIP User-Agent library
solid 5.115.0 Hardware integration and detection framework
sonic-visualiser 4.4-3 An application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files
sonivox 3.6.12-1 SONiVOX EAS synthesizer library
sonnet 5.115.0 Spell checking framework
sord 0.16.4 A lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory
sound-juicer 3.38.0-1 A CD ripper application for GNOME
soundkonverter-trinity 14.1.2 An audio format converter for the Trinity Desktop Environment
soundtouch 2.3.3 An audio processing library
source-highlight 3.1.9-2 Produces a document with syntax highlighting
sox 14.4.2-6 Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs
soxr 0.1.3-7 A library that aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant resampling ratio
spamassassin 3.4.6-1 A mail filter to identify spam
spandsp 0.0.6-2 A low-level signal processing library that modulates and demodulates signals commonly used in telephony
spdlog 1.14.1 A header-only/compiled C++ logging library
spdylay 1.4.0-5 The experimental SPDY protocol version 2, 3 and 3.1 implementation in C

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