mpg123 1.25.13-2 A console-based MP3 player
mplayer 1:1.4-9 A cross-platform multimedia player
mplayerthumbs-trinity 14.1.2 An MPlayer-based file thumbnailer for the Trinity Desktop Environment
mpv 0.38.0 Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
mpvpaper 1.7 A video wallpaper program for wlroots-based wayland compositors
msgpack-c 6.0.0-3 An efficient object serialization library
msitools 0.101 Port of Wine's MSI DLL to POSIX
msr-tools 20170320 Utilities to read and write model-specific registers
mtd-utils 2.1.5-2 Utilities for MTD devices
mtdev 1.1.7 Library to transform all variants of multi-touch events to the slotted type B protocol
mtools 4.0.44 A collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks
mtr 0.95 A network diagnostic tool that combines the functionality of traceroute and ping
muffin 5.8.0 Cinnamon window manager based on Mutter
multidict 5.1.0-1 Dict-like key-value pairs collection for Python
multipath-tools 0.9.3-1 Tools to maintain multipath block device access
muparser A fast math parser library
mupdf 1:1.24.8 Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
mupen64plus 2.6.0 Nintendo 64 (N64) emulator
murrine 0.98.2-3 Murrine theme engine
musescore 4.3.2 Create, play and print beautiful sheet music
musl 1.2.5 Lightweight implementation of C standard library
mutter 42.4-1 Window manager for GNOME
mxml 3.2 A small XML parsing library
mygui 1:3.4.3 Fast, flexible and simple GUI
myman 0.7.0-1 Pacman clone with an ncurses
mypaint 2.0.1-2 A fast and easy painting application for digital painters, with brush dynamics
mythes 1.2.4-8 A simple thesaurus
n2n 2.8-1 A peer-to-peer VPN
nano 8.2+nanorc2024.1.16 A terminal text editor with syntax highlighting and other functionalities
nasm 2.16.03 An 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity
nautilus 42.2-1 GNOME file manager
nautilus-python 1.2.3-3 Python bindings for the Nautilus Extension Framework
nbd 3.24 Network block device support package
ncdu 1.16 A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
ncmpc 0.50 Fully featured MPD client using ncurses
ncmpcpp 0.10 Fully featured MPD client using ncurses (Plus Plus)
ncompress The classic Unix compression utility which can handle the ancient .Z archive
ncurses 1:6.4-3 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library
ndctl 72-1 Utilities for managing the libnvdimm sub-system in the Linux Kernel
neatvnc 0.7.1 A fast VNC server library with a clean API interface
nemo 5.8.3-4 Cinnamon file manager
nemo-extensions 5.8.0 Extensions for nemo, Cinnamon file manager
neochat 23.08.5-2 A Matrix chat client for KDE
neomutt 20200619-1 Mutt with patches - teaching an old dog new tricks
neon 0.33.0 An HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interface
neovim 1:0.10.0 Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
nestopia 1.51.0 A feature-rich NES emulator
net-snmp 5.7.3-16 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 using both IPv4 and IPv6
net-tools 1:2.10-3 Configuration tools for Linux networking (legacy)
netavark 1.11.0 Rust based network stack for containers
netcat 1.219 A utility which reads and writes data across TCP/UDP network connections
netcdf 4.7.4 Network Common Data Form
netcf 0.2.8-4 A library for configuring network interfaces
netease-cloud-music-gtk 2.2.0-1 An unofficial client for Netease Cloud Music
nethack 3.6.6 A single player dungeon exploration game
nethogs 0.8.7 A top-like program for monitoring network traffic
netifaces 0.10.9-4 Portable module to access network interface information in Python
netpbm 1:10.73.34-1 A toolkit for manipulation of graphic files
netperf 2.7.0-3 Network benchmark for multiple types of networks
netsurf 3.11-1 A lightweight GTK+ web browser

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