powertop 2:2.15 A tool to diagnose issues with power consumption and power management
poxml 23.08.5 Translates DocBook XML files using gettext .po files
ppl 1.2-1 A modern library for convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions
ppp 2.4.9-4 A daemon which implements the Point 2 Point Protocol for dial-up networking
ppsspp 1.17.1-1 A PSP (PlayStation® Portable) emulator
pptp 1.10.0 Client for the proprietary Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, PPTP
praat 6.4.26 A speech analysis tool for phonetics
premake 5.0.0~beta1 A simple build configuration tool for generating Makefiles
print-manager 23.08.5-1 Printer manager for KDE
prismlauncher 9.1 A free, open source launcher for Minecraft
prison5 1:5.115.0-2 A barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes
privoxy 3.0.34 A non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy
prjoxide 0+git20240105 Libraries and utilities for open-source toolchain of Lattice Nexus series FPGAs
prjtrellis 1.4+git20240129 Libraries and utilities for open-source toolchain of Lattice ECP5/MachXO2 series FPGAs
process-cpp 3.0.1-4 C++11 library for handling processes
procps 4.0.4-2 Utilities for monitoring your system and its processes
progress 0.16-1 A tool to show progress for various command-line programs
proj 9.2.1 Converts between geographic longitude/latitude coordinates and cartesian coordinates
projectm 4.0.0 Advanced Milkdrop-compatible music visualization
protobuf 25.2 A way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format
protobuf-c 1.5.0 Protocol Buffers implementation in C
proxychains-ng 1:4.17 A hook preloader that allows redirecting TCP traffics of existing dynamically linked programs through one or more SOCKS or HTTP proxies
psmisc 23.6-2 Utilities for displaying information about running process
pstate-frequency 3.11.0-1 Easily control Intel p-state driver on Linux (command line)
psycopg2 2.8.6-2 A PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language
ptex 2.3.2-1 Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering
pth 2.0.7-7 GNU Portable Threads
ptunnel 0.72-1 A tool for reliably tunneling TCP connections over ICMP echo request and reply packets
pugixml 1.14 Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
pulseaudio 17.0+xrdp0.7 A full featured, general-purpose sound server
pulseaudio-qt 1.3 Qt bindings for PulseAudio
pulseview 0.4.2-5 A Logic Anaylzer styled Sigrok frontend
purpose 5.115.0 Framework for integrating service and actions to KDE applications
putty 0.81 An integrated SSH and Telnet client
pv 1.6.20 A command line tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
pwgen 2.08 Automatic password generator
pwnat 20161017 NAT to NAT client-server communication
py-setproctitle 1.1.10-3 Allows a python process to change its process title
pyaudio 0.2.11-3 Python bindings for PortAudio
pybluez 0.22-4 Python wrapper for the BlueZ Bluetooth stack
pycairo 1.18.2-2 Python bindings to the Cairo Graphics Library
pycdio 2.1.1 Python interface to the libcdio
pycryptodome 3.7.3-4 Collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
pycryptodomex 3.9.9-1 A self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives
pycryptopp 0.7.1-6 A set of Python interfaces to a few good crypto algorithms
pycups 1.9.74-3 Python bindings for CUPS
pycurl 7.45.3 Python interface to libcurl
pydantic 2.6.0 Data validation and settings management using Python type hinting
pydantic-core 2.16.1 Pydantic's core component written in rust
pygame 2.5.2 Python game library
pygattlib 1:0.0.4-3 Python library for the GATT Protocol for Bluetooth LE devices
pygeoip 1.3.2-3 Python bindings for the GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library
pygit2 1.14.1 Python bindings for libgit2
pygobject-2 2.28.7-6 Python bindings for GObject2
pygobject-3 3.48.2 Python bindings for GObject
pygraphviz 1.5-3 Python interface to the Graphviz
pygtk 2.24.0-5 Python bindings for GTK+
pygtkglext 1.1.0 Python bindings for GtkGLExt
pygtksourceview 2.10.1-3 Python bindings for gtksourceview-2
pyicu 2.13.1 Python binding for ICU

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