Depends : dbus+32, glslang+32, libglvnd+32, libxnvctrl+32, mesa+32, wayland+32, x11-lib+32
Depends (build) : 32subsystem, mako, nlohmann-json+32, nvidia+32
Links: Changelog, QA Page, Report issues
Upstream: source (tarball) 0.7.2
A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more (optenv32)
Depends : dbus+32, glslang+32, libglvnd+32, libxnvctrl+32, mesa+32, wayland+32, x11-lib+32
Depends (build) : 32subsystem, mako, nlohmann-json+32, nvidia+32
Links: Changelog, QA Page, Report issues
Upstream: source (tarball) 0.7.2